Test Modes

Scan 16 Test Signal

There are four (4) BUILT-IN-TEST “BIT” in the InfraSignal Radio. They are SCAN 16 TEST SIGNAL, SINE WAVE TEST SIGNAL, ALARM TEST and FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT test.


To run these tests, go to the OPTIONS page. All of these tests are located in the lower right corner of the page. If you start with the SCAN 16 TEST SIGNAL test, the button will change to the SINE WAVE TEST SIGNAL test. The FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT test results are displayed at the bottom of the SINE WAVE TEST SIGNAL screen.


Except for the ALARM TEST, for best results, turn the radio off then disconnect the sensor from the radio. This can be done at any cable connection between the sensor and the radio. Turn the radio on and go back to the OPTIONS page.


The SCAN 16 TEST SIGNAL and the SINE WAVE TEST SIGNAL are both system level test. That is, a signal from a built-in signal generator is fed into the signal input of the radio and goes through the entire system. The result is displayed on the screen.


The SCAN 16 TEST SIGNAL is the first test to run when you want to test the radio’s performance. During this test, the radio will scan the 16 channels. As it approaches the middle of the screen, increasing signal strengths will be observed on the bar graphs. As it progresses, the signal strengths will increase until it reaches the center channel and crosses the test required green dotted line. At this point the scan will pause and take a second measurement. If the second measurement crosses the green dotted line, the alarm will sound. The red light will flash and a green message will appear at the bottom of the screen, “BUILT-IN TEST PASSED”.


If the scan completes the full 16 channels and the signal strengths do not cross the test required green dotted line, a red message will appear at the bottom of the screen “SYSTEM TEST FAILED”.


At any time during this test, you can go to SCAN 16 TEST INSTRUCTIONS for more information. Touch the BACK TO SCAN 16 TEST button to return.

Sine Wave Test Signal

The SINE WAVE TEST SIGNAL test is the second system level test to run when you want to check the radio’s performance.


Touch the SINE WAVE TEST SIGNAL button. The screen will change to show the SIGNAL LEVEL bar graph and scope display on channel 9. The signal level should be even (+/- 2 pixels at room temperature) with the top of the two green markers  This is the gain calibration adjusted level to insure the maximum signal dynamic range.  if so, the radio signal sensitivity part of the test has passed.


A sine wave will show on the scope and you will hear the transformed infrasignal. At the bottom of the screen is the FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT window. The average frequency measurement should read between 5.4Hz and 5.7Hz, if so, the sine wave frequency measure test has passed.


At any time during this test, you can touch the SINE WAVE TEST INSTRUCTIONS button for more information. Touch BACK TO SINE WAVE TEST to return.